You can obtain these programs on an as-available basis through IBM Remarketers. Se seus usuários não possuem privilégios administrativos, será possível instalar o IBM Cognos Controller Link for Microsoft Excel remotamente para eles.
This update works with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server 10.1.1, 10.1.1 FP1 and 10.2. Any TM1 servers that are already running are shown in the Explorer pane on the left side. This Fix Pack (Service Pack) is an update of IBM Cognos Analysis for Microsoft Excel for existing IBM Cognos Analysis for Microsoft Excel customers. Cognos (Nasdaq: COGN TSX: CSN), the world leader in business intelligence and performance management solutions, today previewed Cognos 8 BI Analysis for Microsoft Excel(R), a new enterprise BI capability that enables Microsoft Excel users to directly access centrally controlled and secured Cognos 8 BI performance information for improved decision-making. If you are using WinZip ®, select the option 'use folder names'. Using your file compress and decompress utility, decompress the files. Change to the directory where you saved the downloaded fix pack. Uninstall the current version of IBM Cognos Analysis for Microsoft Excel. This allows them to access Cognos Analysis For Microsoft Excel, Cognos Framework Manager, Cognos Cube Designer and Dynamic Query Analyzer, Transformer, and TM1 Writeback to bundled FLBI TM1 server.

Users with this capability are members of the Analytics Explorers role.
IBM Cognos Configuration opens (this may take a few moments). To Install a Fix Pack on Microsoft® Windows®. This secured function controls access to Cognos Desktop Tools products. From the Start menu, point to All Programs \ IBM Cognos TM1 - 64, and then click IBM Cognos Configuration. Cognos Analysis for Microsoft Excel enables business analysts, financial analysts, line-of-business managers and others to explore and analyze data from a variety of different sources.

On or after that date, you can no longer obtain these programs directly from IBM. Use IBM Cognos Configuration to add a new TM1 server. Cognos analysis for microsoft excel download download Once you locate the chart you can download it. Effective on the dates shown, IBM® will withdraw from marketing specific part numbers from the following program licensed under the IBM International Program License Agreement: Program number